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Vasoepididymostomy london andrology
Percutaneous Epididymal Sperm Aspiration
Percutaneous Epididymal Sperm Aspiration is a form of surgical sperm removal for men who have been diagnosed with an obstruction or blockage.
Penile reconstruction
Penile Reconstruction In London
Penile reconstruction is suitable for men who are experiencing any number of issues with their penis. 
Penile Prosthesis or Implants
Penile Prosthesis or Implant
A penile implant is a device placed inside the penis enabling it to become erect. It is often a last resort procedure after other treats for erectile disfunction have failed.
Microsurgical Varicocele Ligation
Microsurgical Varicocele Ligation in London
Microsurgical varicocele ligation is a procedure performed using a high-powered operating microscope. 
Micro-dissection sperm retrieval
Micro-dissection Sperm Retrieval In London
Micro-dissection sperm retrieval is performed if male patients experience a lack of sperm in the semen.
Micro Epididymal Sperm Aspiration Treatment
Micro Epididymal Sperm Aspiration Treatment
Micro epididymal sperm aspiration treatment (MESA) is where sperm is aspirated directly under vision from the epididymis.
frenuloplasty surgery
Frenuloplasty Surgery In London
Frenuloplasty is the surgical treatment for a short penile frenulum. This is done by dividing the skin across and re-suturing in a lengthwise fashion.
circumcision surgery
Circumcision surgery in London
Circumcision surgery is to remove a male's foreskin. It is one of the oldest and most common surgical procedures.
professor suks minhas
Find A Private London Urologist
If you’re trying to find a Private London Urologist, Professor Suks Minhas is on the UK’s most eminent Consultant Urologists and Andrologists.
penile frenuloplasty
Penile Frenuloplasty Procedure
Frenuloplasty is a simple procedure that is often carried out under local anaesthetic.
private consultant urologist
Private Consultant Urologists in London
Professor Suks Minhas is a private consultant Urologist in London.
consultant urologist
What does a Consultant Urologist do?
Many have heard of a consultant urologist but what does a consultant urologist do?
erectile dysfunction
Erectile Dysfunction – Diagnosis and Treatment
Erectile dysfunction (ED) or impotence is the repeated inability to obtain or maintain an erection that is sufficiently firm to achieve the kind of sex desired by a man and his partner.
fertility treatment
Male Fertility treatment in London
Fertility treatment is something many medical professionals focus on. Although this is often a focus solely on woman’s fertility treatment Male fertility treatment is just as important although finding a specialist can be a lot more difficult when it comes to men.
Suks Minhas
About Professor Suks Minhas
Professor Suks Minhas is a Consultant Urologist and Andrologist at Imperial College, London. 
pregnancy after vasectomy
Pregnancy after vasectomy: 6 questions to ask if you’re considering getting a vasectomy reversal
Circumstances can change, and some people do later wish to try and have more children. Here, we outline some of the key points to consider: 
penile reconstruction
What is penile reconstruction surgery?
Penile reconstructive surgery can actually mean a lot of different things.
testicular cancer
This is how to check for testicular cancer
Knowing how to self-examine your testicles and spot any potential symptoms of testicular cancer is important.
erectile dysfunction
Stress and erectile dysfunction: here’s what you need to know
Stress can impact our health and wellbeing in numerous ways – and this includes your sex life.
lifestyle factors
9 common lifestyle factors that could affect male fertility
We know lifestyle can have a significant impact on our overall health, so it makes sense that it might also affect the health of your sperm.

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18 Devonshire Street, London W1G 7AF

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